Build Resiliency at Home and Work
Emotional health concerns have a significant impact on work performance. Each day, most employees walk into work distracted by a personal issue. Many of these distractions can be classified as a mental health issue such as a marriage or family concern, anxiety, depression, or job stress. The American Psychiatric Association Foundation reports that about half of individuals with anxiety and depression are untreated. Despite these statistics, emotional health remains a taboo topic at the workplace and persons often push aside normal emotions to force positivity.
These sessions offer a fresh perspective and new take on mindfulness, gratitude, and resilience to address thoughts which lead to anxiety and increased stress levels and flip them to improve overall wellbeing and job performance. Nurse Jesse offers ideas in TED Talk-style presentations, “It Makes Me Happy” and “The Secret World of Self,” with skill-building exercises and take-away worksheets to easily apply the concepts within your teams.
- Discover 12 key areas for happiness and a simple process to help your people discover joy in everyday living
- Explore how limiting beliefs and challenges can transform into new opportunities
- Receive essential tools, including the Power Post It™ to assist your teams in creating more peace, happiness, and fulfillment in their lives
Programming available as:
- Up to 1-hour keynote
- 2 to 3-1/2 hour workshop
- 6-12 week virtual program
- Joy Journey – 12 month virtual program
Corporate Feedback:
“It Makes Me Happy, LLC provided a training program for our membership that focused on the important concept of emotional wellbeing. Nurse Jesse and Karla shared stark and surprising statistics about the prevalence of emotional issues and how these issues affect productivity, performance and engagement on the job. But even more importantly, their training normalized, and humanized, this complex topic to bring it to the forefront when working with employees and developing organizational wellbeing strategies. The training focuses on widening perspective about emotional issues and offers techniques to use both personally and professionally in the spirit of improving emotional wellbeing. Nurse Jesse and Karla bring value through their training for audiences such as: managers and leaders, workplace wellness-focused professionals, HR teams and general team-building.”
— Marissa Kalkman, MS, MCHES Executive Director, Wellness Council of Wisconsin, Learning Circle sponsor
“It Makes Me Happy has the ability to transform your employee’s mindset. The program is unique and dynamic and will challenge and stimulate your people to unlock their full potential. The framework outlines short and long-term goals with mentorship and acceptance. IMMH engages, motivates and supports corporate strategy already in place and allows your employees to take their well-being to the next level.”
— Riley McDermid, Wellness & Health Promotion Faculty, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Corporate Training Participant Comments:
“I now have the process to get to a peaceful emotional state.”
“I have new strategies to shift my own thinking and help my staff.”
“Thank you for today, personally and professionally. It was just what I needed to hear!”
“This was amazing and companies need to hear this presentation.”