The need to belong and feel accepted is one of the most primal of human needs. Yet, the latest report from health-insurer, Cigna claims that nearly half of Americans feel alone. Loneliness has become the number one threat to our health, the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day. We crave authentic, meaningful connections. Circle of Friends is a safe space offering love and acceptance where healing begins, and empowerment takes root and grows.
Participants meet in small groups of up to 12 with a trained facilitator who guides individuals through trademarked curriculums including:
- It Makes Me Happy™ – Who are you? What makes you happy? We’re facing an identity crisis on a massive scale as we’ve become multitasking machines in search of the good life. Sadly, we’ve slowly lost ourselves in the process. The good news is we can train ourselves to be happier. It Makes Me Happy offers participants tools to reconnect with their authentic selves and a simple formula to find joy in everyday living.
- Secret World of Self™ – Love yourself first? But how? We’re connected 24/7 to social media yet are afraid to reach out to a loved one when we’re hurting. We feel guilty, empty or abandoned. The truth is we’re not alone. Participants will be introduced to a healing model with gentle skill-building exercises to explore self-defeating patterns and receive tools to connect with life and love.
- The Labyrinth™ – A Path to Forgiveness, Freedom & Peace (in development)
Participant Feedback:
“I feel more hopeful about the future than I did when I started the session. I realized that there is help out there for me and that I’m not alone.”
“I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My everyday circumstances haven’t changed. I’ve just changed my attitude and don’t feel responsible for what others have done I’m only responsible for my own happiness.”
“I feel closer to future dreams and I’m creating the path towards my dreams by planning, preparing and planting the seeds.”
“I can find joy in everyday life. I feel happier than I did 8 weeks ago.”
“I believe in myself again. I am connected with authentic people on the same journey.”